hair tissue mineral analysis

answers to your questions

What is hair tissue mineral analysis testing?

Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) utilizes a hair sample to measure mineral deposition and heavy metals in soft tissue cells. It doesn’t just represent the levels in the hair, but the information obtained can be inferred to apply to the rest of the body. It provides an average rate of mineral and heavy metal accumulation over the last 8-12 weeks.

what are minerals?

Minerals are commonly thought of as the “spark plugs” of the body. They are foundational for almost everything, including enzyme reactions, nutrient transfer, pH balance, muscle contraction and relaxation, and nerve conduction. They cannot be produced, so must be obtained through food or supplements.

why would i want this test?

The HTMA test provides insight into how the body is dealing with stress and how the energy system may be out of balance. Based on the results, diet and lifestyle recommendations can be made to address a multitude of body systems- metabolic rate, energy levels, protein/carb balance, adrenal and thyroid activity, tendencies for illnesses, and more

can this test diagnose my symptoms?

Nope, this test is a screening tool and not diagnostic. That being said, it still provides information that we use to address your symptoms.

can i just use blood testing?

Blood testing is great, and it simply provides different information than hair testing. Blood testing provides a snapshot in time. It measures what is going on outside of cells, which is helpful to get an idea of mineral transport. It is more important for blood to maintain consistent levels; therefore, it will borrow from soft tissues if needed. This means that soft tissues are often more representative of the body’s storage of minerals. It provides an average of 8-12 weeks rather than a single point in time. Additionally, toxic metals are not found in high concentrations in the blood (except acutely), but low-level chronic exposure can be seen in a hair sample.

What is the cost?

The HTMA is one of the most affordable functional tests compared to other options such as DUTCH testing or a GI map. This allows it to be much more accessible and a great foundational place to start. The test requires interpretation, so I package it with a video interpretation, protocol, and 30-minute consultation for $297.

package details

HTMA Package Includes:

  • One Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test, mailed to your house

  • Video analysis of your results with a personalized protocol

  • 30-minute consultation to review goals and answer questions

  • Option to sign up for more follow-up appointments for continued support

Investment: $297